Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 12, 1969, p. 2 (2024)

trn actors fr prasa wdndy aaarch 12 1969 mlril by wendy thornton if ayom had looked in our front windows around nine oclock the past couple of nifhts they would have thought that gord and i wen out of our minds either that or we were making up few nejj dance steps one of us would gh a couple of hope tn one ductiv then a few bop backward than tore and run around the living room to ctrdes ending this performance with a leap onto a chair i dunk gord fuahed up once hopping on one foot and holding the could haw aeen the floor they would ham been toomjmui printing changes explained to wi by free press editor other if pap a beautiful utile animal about twelve inches- long with i golden hab tipped in bladt i mack tail and is- thh t andy hie head b a uttle weajeuike narked by grey polat berween hi eye i ifilnlc- very few people would rrcogn be hint for what he re ferret most ferret are kept a deep dirk secret a tbey art illegal for hunting rabbit but our u quite lega since he a tat ferret andy b our latest acquisition to try to cut down the rat population down fat the bam to look at bin gambotlirw around 4h living toon youd wonder that anything benf to playful could tun to vkiout he overjoyed whenever we let him loose and all of u jutt tit entranced by the goington hell go round and round the room poking into every nook he come ecroa since hit leg art incredibly sort for hi body be take tiny little thufrtta step and look exactly like a woundup toy whenever he come to a hot air register hell flatten out on hb belly and tilde acre it with electrical cordi hell pause and find a bit of loop be can oom through rtlher than walk over the top hi main delight b the tuppery vinyl floor in the dinette hen andy will take a few slept then flop flat out with hi head down and hb leg tucking it j tight out to the tides looking for all the world like a pint the rug when hejhsti to one particular comer hail flip over in two or three complicated tummetsaulti toll over a few times then lie flat out watching ut with bright unblinking eyet when we want to play well live a hop in hit direction tnd hell go through the most fatcinittnt manoeuvett beginning with jumping up and down three or four timet on the tame tpol all four feet at once jutt like the famoul pierre the skunk of cartoons hb run when he starts to chase b decidedly odd he tun with hb front feet and hop with hb hind mopping very now and then with a dazed look at if he isnt quite cute where he going all the tune giving funny utile grunts all this would be the gteitett fun for the youngtten to join in if it werens for the fact uut andy wib never be truly time and might bite quite viciously by mistake ha eye teeth tie exceptionally long and sharp hu top ones hinging out giving him decidedly evd look when he rou over and thowt hb pretty little ttomich much like a cat doei when it plays it hard not to bend down and give him a good roughing up at you would a cat for if he biter it might not be a little love nip he hat nipped me twice and fattened right into gord t lock once when he got over excited but other than that het a marvelous little thing to play with latt night we toot him outside for a look it the liable and he went into ecitaciet over the pile of hty hopping up tnd down on 11 ana burrowing underneath to come popping up in an entirely different spot with hay wltps dangling in front of hit eyet id wee to grva him the nut of the house but he and the rest of our menagerie were ene ort tight i dont know whod come out second best in an encounter and i dont really care to learn our geese have been laying regularly the past week and im grvng eggi away a fait a they come into the house a we couldnt possibly ett enough to keep caught up im going frantically through all my cookbooks trying to find recipe that call for three or more eggs at one goote egg b equal to three hen eggs they make a very good custard that hold up better than usual baked custard but 1 goose ft tor 3 chicken eaas cupe bulk 14 up salt i cup tttsar uue- vejulla inaur biro bakbf diui stl la a ban of hot water 1 or i inch dwe pliea id own sad bake at 335 dvanet for 45 lo 0 nunutas rofovers sift iw raps flour and k tu ult beat i gooae eg tor j chicken ess uatil hahl add inour sod w cub wuk add ual llolv uu all the flour li n gradually add i cup milk sad vt tus nulled butler tea una only till mixture b foe front lumps i or 2 minutes fill greased cuitsrd cues of muffin tint a bll lest than hair full bake at 425 uvsimi for 35 to 40 minutes serve at once with butter l0jd1 dkajtar mjtft swm the duke of devonthlre ctupter iode held the march meeting at the beautiful new resource centre it robert little school it was the first meeting to be held then and member were impreued by itt beauty and efficiency the regent mrs lidkea conducted a thort butlnett meeting in which letters were read and dltcuued and plant were made for a bike tile to be held at simpsoni ttoie april 25 mrs holmes lervicet at home and abroad secretary atked members to donate article for the bale at the next meeting at the end of the meeting alf long thowed tudet of hit trip to the northwett territories last auguit which were much enjoyed dainty thimblers first meeting the flxit meeting of the greenock dainty thimblers was held ar the home of mrt r sinclair on march 3 leaden of ihii club separate for summer are mrt sinclair and mist peiren members of the club are suun eckerich france hodge marian gitet marlone johnston norma lethe and fran tchouewtki after making achievement day plan they discussed choosing the ttyle and choosing the material and points to consider in doing to the meeting wat closed with the 441 grace reports on convention given fair board ladies mrt stan morrison wat hottest thursday evening much 6 for acton ladiet fair board meeting mrs w linham president wat in the chair mrs d mathews tecrattrytreasurei had the minute of the but meeting and gave the financial report eleven ladiet aniwered the roll call mrs w linham and mrs d mathewt delegate to the convention held at the king edward hotel toronto gave very good reports of the two day convention and mrt c 1 aitken gave the repc of the evening activities several hutlneas iter were under diacuttton but wt left over for a later meeting the hostess assisted by he lunch committee mrs 1 madill mrs a near and mr thompson in place of mrs r davidson served dainty lunch mrs s mathewt was courtesy convener the next meeting will be held at mrs w thompsons home lunch committee mr a robinton mrs j vanfleet and mrs s mathewt acton w i will clbrte their bopi annlw on march 24 mexnban met in the library bad wednesday afternoon and cut the cake supplied by mrs bart davidson in honor of the occasion it wa mr davidsons both anniversary cake lett to mrt c cutts mia nvanney t s the way newspapers are printed today compared to the method of yean ago were described to live member of acton women institute but mormes mr u mcauky mr e lambert mitt wednesday by lih editor merjori hall mr wild mr h l davidton ibrttey coles thcftontipage of mr c picket mis dorothy simmon mrs g j helper h like a froj viudow fryer mr c fwwomt allan mr m graham misaririlakln4rtca harris right successful blood clinic held by st john brigade attendance wti up al the blood donor clinic monday at the lesion hill then wt 258 donort al the very lucocuful cunk with daily good lumoul of uwuntu johr i ihu rltade wen mrs rthui mrs t cook mrs euwcl the si isoai crou john ambulince brksde lored ihu clink tor th ked brlti members on hand mall mrs thompton csrpenler mill ueuamaye kouell aad mrs g llartrave thote auiitlna included mrs f llelivnun mrs x synnolt mrs d koeers mrs u courtney mrs i iord typiiti mrs 1 brunei mrs rat watit mrs w dumsnh mrs m syrnon mn lluim wuklnion butsara scott muriel mcculcheon and ota dwyer golden aae club memben helpla out in the cloak room uere mrs rcruion mrs heed miu a allien anna muier llelpln in the kitchen were mn g dawe mrs grace toiuky mrs mamie allen mrt lordan ann ttoaers mrs d mauiei beveily uckiuahl and on ihe itoor mrs cults mrs l lahnilon mrs mall johnstone audrey lochery and jeuie price georfe ingle donated blood for ihe 41it time c newman for ihe 25ui time mrs let duby and michael divll for ihe 20lh time there were 24 rejectt for varioul reatont donon were michael davit rulh rlppon william peddle gerda kulpery gerald pott don rogers lloyd brooltad peter homer alien mckcrule robert jankt william conn ii schmidt pstrlda pope donald mlllon sam bruneue weiiey slorey b smith jan riddall lark ulddleton ron saundera raymond patenaude judy jonet deborah jordan william fliher luun jocque steven townuey ronald paptuon peter schl david shannon mum joieph dean malheton du m hunter andre brouluard richard newman rick duiker ria duiker waller kowall k w kammlnts w ii llaluday frank si pierre john looyenia lilllan cook glen jackson marcu rolyn novak ray w joieph dean maiheion dorti cooke schipper whlbley nassaoawiva yhmjty ceuudl notls during itt second assembly in ai many nigjits nauigaweya council tuesdiy evening march 4 tabled an appeal from ihe ontario humane society for support agamtt ontarios bill 73 concerning use of pound dogs for research purposes until further development are clear received notification from the roaid of health they will no longer handle plumbing inspection ai of sept i i since the service ii now a part of the work of the ontario water resources commission were given notice by the ontario municipal board of an appeal by joseph ttzlir against a committee of adjustment deicition concerning hit ptoperty in lot 2 concession i it will be held tuesday march 25 decided to seek futther information from ronald mclein concerning hii requett for rezomng of a portion of hu land in lot 21 concession 4 to a wrecking yard acton pharmacy laasawaawattbaaaaaaitjtjawawaaaawaaaaaawa see our spccial display of clearout items reduced 507b off including tome lines of toothpaste creams lotions- haw groom aids and many other items wlllaun cauidy all roach ileibsrl wood percy woodi uariartl bank geora biyllti robert mcghrsor llaftev tuiruy lfod cripps cornelia snoek norman price joe ootlerhor rou budget john tuikou ron batteu dmld broottad wltlun doualsi ctoitotu llaetnia joe lloruede cameroii forbet jacob kulken claude champaane kalie iteplner tvelyn manhall anna arnold nell miller renny gioenendyk willenuna dejon john frankt jantes lee nell anderson robert price jessie price dorothy jordan elmer houclt bob waller suun attan gall mclluth doujuj allan brian fuher jamei slaven marie tlmken fcdilh llilfmui robert andnwi marsha mckenile tent dowdinf patrician wheeler dielmar kuhn william pendleton jr garry price susan hurray barry buchanan baulu van der kooy veroa uurchlson dorothy schubert ruuell kayea archibald blnnle janice paplllon victor ktliolt deten hank kleine gary munday john robson anne watson charles p5rtjp news briefs grade four students from the mz bennett school toured the free press plant last wednesday renovations are underway in paul nielsens store with glamorous goldshaded wallpaper for the woment tide and weathered barn board tiding in the mens half there to be a new ceiling as well in the course of the improvements spring holiday for the schools next week february had lett snowfall thin usual officials uy the lick of tnow on the ground fireuges a poor spring for armert who count on plenty of moisture from melting tnow as soon as enough sidewalks were clear of ice and mud girls were out skipping volunteers made phone colli last week to recruit donon for the blood clinic crows are cawing spring cant be too far away that auayr tom manet may hone steua bftlneue kevtfl coaioy uao marro dolt van arraion hush wilkinson gordon haijinf i lloruede mit i hoftlede ftler llolmet s llotiude hilda dteurer hriuuld hud chailet newman manila kelly norma thoinhul william thompton john miller philip dryulalr anne robertson howard rorct john kemmlnia frlu dehun like kulken phil marro john krancndonk jamet mitchell john tcranendonk genii kieercn david johnion nellie brown marie tremlltt dorolhy slmmont robert karl nifet splccr mirlorie thornton raymond sails llit wilton gordon reed wm coali paul yountblut vema tallen sandi sinclair slcplicn p mcllwalne p j while gordon mclean michael marcoua michael cooper john maton sally tuk john davidton sylvia llanoutck duiald dick rodney mifatlicm undy lou moon victor hrtilou mary anderson kim fcdtcr wllma colet bruce colet wm gllkipu wendy i ablan ray thompson ikrt collelt david robson lloyd mclnlyre gcoiac hirgravc kay mason tina kammlnpa i uward fculoll slmt mcrhcdian clarence co*kl wm d maton auan i uciliy malcolm k jonet john greer dorton i rlrrcll edward iteffctrun itobcl cnpnt william gill rou rlbcy annalje si pierre wullam kockx kitnjij roadknlsht marina couture g injv llenry kroct henry tailc robert denny fred barcnt alice duby utile duby disk van stialcn kat keea flmar krcuicr id lllllicr peter lawi doualat ford clartntc rotnvtuion william mulci claude couture flnlay mackcnrle herbert hmlon alton rowtell marceua pavu alan nome mary rouse charles wrlthl koheil davison loma chttholm llrucc lambert mullccnl jonet licet jonet leo marcttment gladys davidton kathleen hansen tdward hansen uoyd johnion yvon nadcau i dull sanvldie jean leilch gerald dick louis dick gord ramtden jamct reed jim ware larry porte janet muiklc geonu gldman llmcr krcttler davldllall good mtama at prayer sttvite sunday evening the daughters of knox held a world day of prayer service with their guest tpeiker mrt f thomson wife of a former minister here members of the group led in the program there was an unexpectedly good attendance refreshment were served afterward when daughter of members assisted he told tlte roejnben the lire of each weeki paper depends on the number of advertise ment- to it payi lo advertise stories are generally kept thort tvlurei ire much clearer now hun they used to be due to a clianfc lo offset printing the urge press can produce 1 2000 pa pe is an hour mn g fryer lite convener for public lelitlom introduced and tlunked mr coles firtt vicepresident mm dorothy simmons chaired hie meeting this branch of the institute will celebrate itt 66lh anniversary on march 24 to mark ihe occasion slightly in advance mil r l uividton brought the top of her own soth anniversary cake with it candles for decoration and fruit cake wai enjoyed mn fryer brought tpecial napkins two life membert weie present mrt davidson and mn wildi roll call was aniwered by the name of a local induttry and what it producer a donation of sis wai nude guest speaker miss i lla iarmetcr the national iaoc evangelut will be guesl speaker at both services at lvangel tabernacle on sunday 3cf4 stationery 56 miu st acton 8333030 ghvuma m atut ik y5vr4vjver jfntitiam let u aaliat you with your plana loir that all important tmradtng day s9 coat in an0 sct olt cotlflttg uuettonor imftfjttoss jnhounclutnts isrotujis jcetssomts jukl sjadky naj niiiiueaitffaret w also tuvk rtaionauno wgddlnc napklfu harchts and caks boxis to the music festival competition i al urookville school april 24 and stewarllowii april 23 the wi booth wal to the scout and guides for the friday and saturday of live fall filrforsio mrt mtry graham for citizenship and education urijed members to always tpeik well of their communlly and attempt to prgvide a good education for children for historical research miu dorothy sirnmoni reported on the death of king george in 1 953 ind the hon john dtcrerusaker i coming to office lnl9s9 for home economics and health mn agew spoke on cake of joodliumor a si patricks contest waiput on by mft sam holmes winners were mn fe lambert mrs davidtonandmrs cutis a dainty lunch wit served by mrt lambert miu kenney mrt harris and mis llolmei acton tricnds will be pleased to hear mr ken allan silveicreek has returned home after having suigery al oakvtlle hospital the many friend of mn hdith wright will be lorry to hear she fell last thursday and broke her hip mr and mn wright celebrated their soth wedding anniversary last year her friends wish her a speedy recovery mr and mn f w bowei of paimwick accompanied by mr llrucc bowei and miss donna pecvcrs of toronto visited mn john lambert on saturday mr llenry albic is a patient in guelph geneial hospital mr and mn tom smith of btownlee saskatchewan visited with mr and mn g w mckenzie and kalhy last week mis smith and mr mckenzie arc cousini that maw toe meal fhsm lovll bros modern meat mark maml ufai suco 141 h0 side bacon 791 red brand beef toota tlah and smokt ut roast 79 lb lian jhouidu uio chock roast 69 okmci nuii numi rib roast 99 uam ground chuck 69 for your freezer tassssssnnninnanmtnnbnt rd brand btmf cut nd wrgppod sldem 64c lb fratita 55c lb hind 75c h lovell bros modern meat market 77 mill i acton mumuj 134340 daiiv ohjvuv trlom ml fat majkh w ai i coumiwetm wflrefs hlllitler one show thursday at 800 pm frlday2 showings 615 915 pm soturday3 showings 200 615 915 pt jbotaeaoajsgoowbtltlaltlalaialaeail



Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 12, 1969, p. 2 (2024)


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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.